We are proud to announce Apache Solr-backed searches as a new feature of Broadleaf Commerce 2.0! Solr is a renouned, blazing-fast search index that Broadleaf now uses to produce product search results.

As a result of being powered by Solr, Broadleaf now offers result-specific facets, multi-selectable facets, and facet counts. We've also introduced server-side pagination.

Check out some screenshots:

Solr facet

Solr multi-select

Solr facet filtered

Using Solr couldn't be any easier -- simply start up your Broadleaf server following the Getting Started Tutorial and an embedded Solr server instance will start up alongside.

Have a large catalog and want a standalone Solr server? No problem! We support that as well since all of the calls to Solr happen through the excellent Solrj library.