We are pleased to announce that the latest patch release of the Broadleaf Commerce framework is now available via the Broadleaf Nexus as of April 17, 2020. Find out what has changed in our 5.2.16-GA Release Notes.

The following Enterprise modules were also released:

Account - 2.2.5-GA
Common Enterprise - 3.2.8-GA
Custom Field - 2.2.8-GA
Enterprise (Workflows and Approvals) - 3.2.15-GA
Enterprise CMS (Advanced CMS) - 2.2.14-GA
Enterprise i18n - 2.2.4-GA
Enterprise Search- 2.2.10-GA
Enterprise Inventory (Advanced Inventory) - 2.2.4-GA
Import - 2.2.8-GA
Marketplace - 1.0.7-GA
Multi-Tenant - 3.2.13-GA
Order Management System (OMS) - 2.3.15-GA
Price List - 3.2.10-GA
Product Type - 1.1.6-GA
Quote - 1.2.5-GA
Scheduled Jobs (Jobs and Events) - 2.2.11-GA
Subscription - 2.2.6-GA
Theme - 2.3.10-GA