Converting from EDI to eCommerce has been increasing for B2B companies for years. With B2B eCommerce growing, companies being tech savvy and innovative with the buying process has become a necessity instead of a luxury. Switching to eCommerce is easy for B2C companies, but B2B companies have complex contracts and tiered pricing to support when changing systems.

The quote process allows B2B field sales agents to negotiate pricing with the customer. While talks are in progress, buyers and sellers have a record of the communications they can reference at any time. With the ability to start the conversation with the seller, buyers are able to browse and buy 24/7

Another challenge many B2B companies face is fitting products or services into a traditional catalog or ERP. Broadleaf's Quote module allows buyers to add custom line items to a quote for review regardless of the ERP. Eliminating the need to put “request a quote” in place of a price lifts burdens on sellers. Streamlining and simplifying the process for both the customer and the seller makes the likelihood of conversion to be much higher.

Like what you see so far? Go further down the rabbit hole and explore the Broadleaf Quote module here.